Give Your Old Tools

A New Home

Please Check Your Sheds

Our volunteers have a number of projects to work on during 2023, but we are desperate for tools.

If you have any of the following in a usable of repairable condition, that you wish to donate, then please use our contact form or email and we will be in touch.

Riggers, welding or gardening gloves are very much appreciated to help protect our volunteers hands while carrying out their work

Secateurs and loppers to help us clear overgrown paths

Pruning saws and  bow saws are essential for the cutback of larger trees and bushes

Spades and shovels for our tree planting during 2023

Plastic but especially metal rakes are a great use for ground clearance

Short and long handle axes will always be useful in our clearance works.

If You No Longer Want It, We Will Find A Use For It

If you bought a tool for working on your garden but no longer use it, the chances are we will be able to use it. The local wildlife may not be able to thank you, but we will.

I had a couple of spades that I no longer use and happily donated them to the group. I hope they are useful

– John Argent